SPIRALS Health community and their Doctors are committed to provide information about various health issues to patients. Purpose is to educate patients and their care takers to understand root cause of issues and also to understand what could be done to avoid such issues. Patients are recommended to go through these blogs and educate themselves.
Neck Pain
Neck pain. Pain located in the neck is a common medical condition. Neck pain is a common complaint in all age groups. Some of special groups are more prone to develop neck pain, like Teachers, Dentists, Banking jobs, I.T professional, and those ...
What is sexual desire?
It is the attraction that manifests itself in a physical way, which leads to sexual excitement, peak and intercourse for satisfactory sexual activity. This is considered a normal part of the physiological make up of human beings. Yet, there are ...
pain management
pain management centre delhi -ncr
Follicular unit extraction popularly known as FUE is a method of hair transplant. A lot of people across the globe are getting benefited from this technique. FUE technique: Donor hair are extracted in FUE technique using very fine punches. The ...