Drumsticks ke fayde - detox se immunity tak
Drumsticks also known as Moringa and Sehjan which these days is being used in many supplements and teas is very widely used in northern and southern parts of India since centuries. In South, you can witness them being used in daily curries and sambhars. But do you know, these green coloured sticks have a lot of medicinal and health benefits?
Let’s discuss the same in this article.
Benefits of Drumsticks
Drumsticks are known to have numerous benefits for boosting the immunity, improving the digestion, blood purification as well as strengthening the bones.
Immunity booster
In winters, everyones immunity goes down. In this time, drumsticks are the perfect option. It has Vitamin C that keeps the infections at bay and its anti microbial properties makes it the perfect thing for cough and cold.
Stronger bones
Can you believe a veggie can make your bones stronger? Yes,drumsticks makes your bones stronger as well as inhibit the bone density loss because it has calcium as well as iron.
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